Bachelor of Arts in Theology, Major in Missions

About this Program

The Missions program specifically trains its students for ministry in strategic mission points. Students are also equipped to understand and adapt to various local and foreign cultures as they continue in their ministry.

Program highlights

Throughout their period of study in the Missions program, students are expected to undergo the following:

  • An in-depth study of courses such as (but not limited to) Church Planting, World Missions, and Church Growth
  • Practical training in preaching, teaching, soul care, ministry planning, administrative work, and discipleship, all in the context of intercultural ministry
  • Hands-on experience in church planting, as facilitated by their teachers with other home and partner churches
  • Short- and long-term local mission trips
  • Attending various pastoral conferences (as advised by the school) throughout their time in the program

Learning outcomes

Upon completing the Bachelor of Arts in Theology, Major in Missions, students will have developed:

  • A deeper understanding of the heart of God for the nations and different people groups
  • The ability to effectively and credibly preach and teach the Word of God against the backdrop of specific people groups’ cultures and histories
  • The competency to train godly leaders who can independently and passionately continue the ministry started in these relevant mission points
  • The skills needed for strategic church planting and management
  • The soft skills needed for relating to and connecting with people from various cultures
  • A passion for pastoring and ministering to different local and foreign people groups

Vocation and career opportunities

Graduates of this program are well-equipped for roles such as:

  • Partnership with local churches
  • Specialized ministries
  • Campus ministry
  • Tribes ministry
  • Intercultural/diaspora* ministry
  • Aid in Bible translation
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First, we must understand church is not a building, a Sunday school class, or a service time. According to scripture, a church gathering is a group of people coming together in Christ and the people are the church. Jesus shows us in Matthew 18 that a gathering can be as little as two people together.

The service usually involves the singing of hymns, reading of scripture verses and possibly a psalm. If the church follows a lectionary, the sermon will often be about the scripture lections assigned to that day. Eucharistic churches have usually Holy Communion either every Sunday or several Sundays a month.

There are no rules as to what to bring to church, other than your self, an open heart and mind. Some bring a bible, if you’re going to engage in bible study.

If you want to know how to dress for church, something modest and comfortable should be fine. Generally, graphic tees that show off sports team logos or bands should never be worn to church. Solid-colored tops are fine, and even something with a pattern should be OK to wear.

Ask your friends if they have a place to worship the Savior and invite them to come worship with you, especially at times like Christmas and Easter. If they aren’t Christians, ask them if they’d like to learn more about Jesus Christ and invite them to experience a Christian worship service with you. Remember to show the same respect for their beliefs that you hope they will give yours.

 There are many questions Christians are asked that the individual Christian is unable to answer. It happens all the time.

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